Ask NextStage Series #1: CIO-SP3 Software Task Orders
The Ask NextStage Series helps government contractors understand market trends and gain actionable insights. Today, we're looking at CIO-SP3 software development opportunities.
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Unfortunately, task order award under CIO-SP3 does not contain information about specific task areas. However, we can approximate the task area by filtering task orders by their respective PSC codes.
We're using NextStage's Contract tool to answer Shane's question. First, we've filtered down CIO-SP3 task orders to these PSC codes to conduct this analysis:
- 7030 - Information Technology Software
- 7A20- IT and Telecom - Application Development Software (Perpetual License Software)
- 7A21- IT and Telecom - Business Application Software (Perpetual License Software)
- DA10 - IT and Telecom - Business Application/Application Development Software As A Service
- DA01 - IT and Telecom - Business Application/Application Development Support Services (Labor)
- D319 - IT and Telecom- Annual Software Maintenance Service Plans
- D318 - IT and Telecom- Integrated Hardware/Software/Services Solutions, Predominantly Services
- D302 - IT and Telecom - Systems Development
CIO-SP3 Small Business Contractors

Top CIO-SP3 Agency Buyers:

127 Task Orders Expiring in FY2023/2024 amounting to $1.2B in current award value

A sample of task orders expiring in 2023/2024, check out the CIO-SP3 Small Business page to see expiring task orders
Prime Award ID | Award ID | Recipient | Description | Contract Type | Current Value | Potential Value | Start Date | End Date |
75N98120D00194 | 70RFP322FREM00007 | COLOSSAL CONTRACTING, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $175,833.77 | $308,866.78 | 9/13/2022 | 9/12/2023 | |
75N98120D00249 | 70FA3022F00000405 | ADG-REI TECHNOLOGY VENTURES, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $4,463,003.61 | $4,463,003.61 | 9/30/2022 | 12/29/2023 | |
75N98119D00077 | 75F40122F80214 | VERSATECH, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $1,313,549.89 | $4,445,623.98 | 7/6/2022 | 6/28/2023 | |
75N98120D00183 | 70CMSW21FR0000146 | BROADPOINT FEDERAL, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $1,754,319.90 | $2,691,614.84 | 9/24/2021 | 9/29/2023 | |
75N98119D00058 | 70FA3021F00000411 | INTELLECT SOLUTIONS, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $3,099,925.66 | $3,099,925.66 | 9/30/2021 | 5/12/2023 | |
HHSN316201200153W | 70CTD021FR0000250 | SKYEPOINT DECISIONS, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $456,009.57 | $456,009.57 | 9/29/2021 | 11/30/2022 | |
HHSN316201200173W | 1333BJ22F00280026 | SOFT TECH CONSULTING, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $4,224,267.51 | $24,437,022.71 | 6/21/2022 | 6/20/2023 | |
75N98120D00015 | W911RQ22F0049 | AGILE DEFENSE, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $754,272.25 | $3,829,574.65 | 4/13/2022 | 4/12/2023 | |
HHSN316201200145W | 75N98022F00001 | GROVE RESOURCE SOLUTIONS, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $5,055,621.09 | $46,878,668.55 | 7/19/2022 | 11/18/2022 | |
HHSN316201300006W | 75N93022F00001 | MEDICAL SCIENCE & COMPUTING, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $10,024,108.68 | $99,041,500.60 | 3/1/2022 | 2/28/2023 | |
HHSN316201200089W | 70SBUR21F00000182 | MINDPETAL SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS, INC AND LINKVISUM CONSULTING GROUP, INC | DELIVERY ORDER | $2,939,537.74 | $9,714,192.96 | 8/12/2021 | 4/13/2023 | |
75N98121D00006 | 75N97022F00001 | MACKSON CONSULTING, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $39,681,180.39 | $49,876,342.40 | 9/20/2022 | 8/31/2023 | |
HHSN316201200189W | 75N98122F00001 | WEBFIRST, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $7,549,398.54 | $31,384,818.68 | 9/29/2022 | 9/28/2023 | |
75N98119D00020 | 70SBUR21F00000124 | HIGHLIGHT TECHNOLOGIES, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $33,082,074.40 | $82,348,652.25 | 7/1/2021 | 3/18/2023 | |
HHSN316201200131W | 70SBUR22F00000246 | EKAGRA PARTNERS, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $1,279,084.44 | $72,005,017.96 | 9/30/2022 | 1/29/2023 | |
HHSN316201200075W | 70RFP321FREH00032 | CUSTOMER VALUE PARTNERS, INC. | DELIVERY ORDER | $2,577,557.25 | $3,055,478.93 | 9/27/2021 | 9/26/2023 | |
HHSN316201300006W | 75N97022F00001 | MEDICAL SCIENCE & COMPUTING, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $1,084,399.98 | $5,062,651.01 | 9/23/2022 | 9/22/2023 | |
HHSN316201200110W | 89303022FCF400030 | CANDOR SOLUTIONS, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $1,163,502.06 | $6,054,911.46 | 9/16/2022 | 9/15/2023 | |
75N98118D00059 | 89303022FEI400123 | VARIQ-CV JV, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $2,190,212.36 | $26,999,583.28 | 9/26/2022 | 9/25/2023 | |
HHSN316201200060W | 91990022F0056 | DV UNITED, LLC | DELIVERY ORDER | $6,783,226.99 | $9,983,990.01 | 9/23/2022 | 9/22/2024 |